Monday, September 29, 2003

me and my wet dreams......

always nice. had some good ones last night. what is it with me and dreams? perhaps it's a testament to how boring my life is....actually it reminds me of Ally McBeal--and her obsessive relationship with her dreamworld. i'm not that bad, but i certainly have the predilection.....oh well. My life is a good boring....=)

well, at least i staved off the ugly beast of winter for a bit longer--by shopping for winter clothes for my kids. I don't know what i believe in most of the time but one thing remains constant, as has my belief in it: Murphy's Law. it's true. i swear by it. buy a bathing suit and it snows (even if it's june). buy winter coats and it's 80 degrees again. fine by me. I fucking hate winter. I hate being cold. I'm sure i'll end up enjoying it--hot chocolate, flannel pajamas, snowmen....okay, it'll be fun. jeeeeeeez. what a pessimist. it's not even october yet and i'm whining about winter.

oh here's another reason UTAH SUCKS BLUE WHALE BALLS: there's a new show on NBC called Coupling and utah's not carrying it. they don't broadcast saturday night live on nbc here either. see, the local affiliate which carries nbc is owned by--I'll give you one guess--the mormon church. fucking bastards. wouldn't want anyone to have to choose not to watch something the church finds offensive, better just make it real easy on them and not even air it. "to hell with those non-mormons (literally) who might want to watch those things; we're doing them a favor." fuckers.

time to go to the gym.

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