Wednesday, May 11, 2005

I wrote the strangest post this morning...

left up while I went for a shower,
then quickly took it down before any of you had to try to figure out whether I had been possessed by benign spirits, or gotten into the sauce before breakfast...

so, here I am.
ran through my workout,
rushed home.
and still not a damn thing to say.
oh, I could probably think of some damning things.
even some damnable things--in a heartbeat.
and I guess that probably counts.
but now I'm bored with the idea of "damn-" things.
it's so passe.
so blaise.
so Rene.

My sex drive is sort of strange lately.
has these odd flare-ups,
but for the most part is in a lull.
I'm 103% positive that this is a side effect of my general sense of lethargy/apathy/ennui.........
so, no worries.
I'm just tired.
for no reason.
and that's LAME.
back to the "flare-ups"--
that makes it sound like hemoroids...
I was driving today and wanted to jump every guy I passed.
but I didn't.

I think I want a nap.
where are you...?
drove past a pond today, that's supposed to be a soccer field.
stupid rain.
note to mother nature: Utah's a desert.
this reminds me of MY take on the whole "I need you like the desert needs the rain" thing.
the desert does not need the rain.
if it got rain, it wouldn't be a desrt anymore, would it??
just like all those damn lovers who think they need someone that badly?
nope, sorry sucker.
if you got them, they would change you from what you are, so just get over it.
trust me, you're better without her/him.
she/he has halitosis and trouble holding down a job.
not to mention still lives with mother and has major stalker tendancies.

ok, then.
you're here!!!
bye, suckers--

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