Friday, April 16, 2004

Fantasy Friday XXIII

I'm so not in the mood to write this.
i have a headache.
and i want to go to sleep.
i'll put on some tunes, maybe that'll help. far so good....

(i ended up writing a little non-erotic story so i took it out, even though i liked it. i'll post it next week. the rest of this post is intact as it came to me--why i feel this is necessary is beyond me. don't ask. just read.)

well, i never promised you a frickin porn rose garden.
that's just what fell off my fingers.
but i love it.
(for the record: pure fiction)
i think i'm getting the hang of this....
this writing thang.
but, since i look forward to the sexy stuff as much as you guys do, i'll give 'er another shot.
makes me wonder if i should institute another theme day where i just write a story.
did i just suggest structure???
sorry, that was the crack talking.
no, not my butt crack.
speaking of butt crack...
just kidding.
i will not drag the Jordan Catalano affair onto my personal site.
embarassing shit, that.

okay here's my best try at erotica for this hour of the night.

Happy Trails...
(sorry, can't resist a corny title)
As we headed up the trail, it seemed our large group was settling into smaller groups. There were 12 of us, but most of the women were in a cluster somewhere ahead, trying to outdo the men, apparently. The newlywed couple was lingering toward the rear, and I had fallen into a heated discussion with one of the other husbands--my own heading up the expedition with the rest of the men.
I was only arguing with this man because we were a good match of wit--and his smile made my knees weak. Our banter slowed our pace enough that the rest of the group was soon out of site, around several bends. The newlyweds wandered off the path early on and were not seen again all day....which made my mind wander even worse than it already was. As he outlined the reasons why our government is in such deep trouble, i began undressing him with my mind. He had a lot to say on the subject, so i took my time creating a scene in my head, enjoying every detail--getting myself a little too hot. He abruptly stopped talking, stopped walking--and asked if i was okay. I blushed and tried to stammer something relevant but i had tuned out so completely that i had nothing to say. there was something in my blush that offered him a clue, something in the silence that allowed him to feel the heat coming off me. and my blush turned into a smile that was unintentionally so seductive that his mouth opened, as if to speak, then closed. he cleared his throat and asked the wrong question: where are the newlyweds? unable to shake that look from my face, that--oh god, fuck me now look....i answered him, huskily, fucking, and it was his turn to blush. we stood there for a full minute, in the shade of so many trees, with their softly rustling branches the only sound. my stomach doing flips, my hands nearly shaking for wanting him. He finally unfolded his arms, which seemed then to have been the only barrier to my goal. i don't think he knew what he would do, he may have been ready to shake the fairy dust off his shoulders and resume hiking. but his move was like an invitation to me--to the animal instict inside me, at least--and i stepped forward. he let out a low sound, almost like a growl, and grabbed me. i pulled my shirt off before we'd even taken our first breath, and began tearing at his pants as our tongues met. we stumbled off the path, behind a large tree, some of our clothes being discarded there, others left on the path, forgotten. the rough bark against my back, his weight against me, our kisses remained frenzied, my leg wrapped around him like a desperate python...our hands exploring every inch as our panting and moaning began to take on volume. he pulled me to the ground with him in a sweaty tangle and there was nothing but the need for him, for pleasure to pour through me in waves. my hands searched; i found what i was looking for and shuddered as he slid inside. the end came soon, but it was so intense that i could not stop it from pouring back out my mouth in a ragged wail.

got a little wet myself there.
hope you all remembered to lock the office door before starting this...
happy friday, kiddos!
don't drink and drive.

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