Wednesday, August 06, 2003

it's a good day for fact i bet if i was un-lazy enough to check my horoscope (guffaws) then i am certain it would say today was a loquacious day for me. it started out rather slowly and gloomily...and how could i help but have some lingering negativity because the hubby is going to be mere feet away from the rock gods Metallica in several hours and i am not. second row center. fucker.


i called my friend B and we chatted and she told me about a couple of hot young suitors she's managed to wrangle up and that's always fun to hear about...

and then i talked to hubby and he gave me some rather interesting news, er, um, permission? let's just say we made an arrangement that has me a bit sparkly-eyed and breathless.

oh yeah, AND i worked out. gaaaaaawd that felt great. i really do love working out, it's just really hard to find the right time for it here. so consequentially i'm feeling a bit heifer-ish. all the fried seafood and dunkin donuts aren't helping matters, either...where the fuck was i when they were handing out self-control????? ack.

oh yeah, then i talked to Miss Pitt (not on the trampoline) and that is always a rush. we both firmly believe that the world revolves around us (respectively) and so it works out rather well because we understand each other's need for attention and stuff.

i will go to the beach tomorrow--rain or shine!! it's been almost a week and i'm going through some major withdrawal. i neeeeed to feel sand in my toes and the sun (or rain...) on my face and smell the salt and feel the wind....slurp. still need to go kayaking, too. maybe i'll call jasmine.

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