Monday, September 19, 2005

Today is (not) the greatest day I've ever known--

but it is a pretty fantastic sort of day, meteorologically speaking.
the air is warm and cool at the same time; crisp and comfortable.
there is a breeze in the stillness, and the sun's rays feel soft.
it's a day that would be sinful to waste indoors.
a day that was crafted purely for walking--sauntering, as Thoreau described it.
a day in which everything feels possible.

hell, they're tiling my upstairs bathrooms today,
of COURSE it's a good day!!
the morons who built this place only put tile in the toilet areas, leaving carpet in the restof the bathrooms.
I guess they didn't have kids like mine.
my kids like to flood bathrooms, as you may recall.
I'm just glad they haven't flooded a toilet (yet) at this house.

I just caught myself berating a Winnie the Pooh show for an unrealistic depiction of Tigger's & Piglet's escape from an avalanche...

finding that an old friend is putting his words back into this cauldron on a daily basis is just...
is just...
it makes me grin foolishly, but mostly from the deepest parts inside of me, like my elbows and my ribcage.

and now, it is off to make grilled cheese sandwiches for the two most handsome little men I've ever loved...
and to finish my gaw damn homework.

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