Monday, April 11, 2005

Knick Knack, paddywack--

oh, I don't like where THAT'S going, one bit!!
oh, who am I kidding?
I'll say it--
give this bitch a bone.
that wasn't really very funny.
but, true to my nature--
i couldn't resist a bad joke.

but I did meet a couple more neighbors today.
the lady across the street
(who has an 18 year old son...)
seems really cool--
and yet, also anal and bigotted.
it's a strange combination, we'll have to see how it pans out.
and the lady on my west side seemed very nice, too--
politely accepted my apology for the frisbees which ended up in her yard the other day...
boy one loses his and is distraught--
I mean, wrecked!
that kid coulda won a daytime emmy for best death scene, I swear.
so then, boy two smiles at me and tosses his smoothly over the fence.
lil fucker.

so as y'all know, one of the twinlets is named "Max".
there's some blechy show on the disney channel called "Max & Ruby"
so of course they LOOOOVE it.
because of the name.
it's pretty lame, really.
it's these two rabbits with the above names,
and it's a brother and sister.
apparently they're orphans--
or isn't it like that in bunny world??
each episode is Ruby trying to accomplish something
and Max continually annoying her.

so it kinda cracks me up, even if it's lame-o.
my life IS lame-o, so it all adds up.

good workout today,
for those of you keeping score.
if I can keep this up, me and my eclairs can head for the pool with no shame.
ok, maybe just me...

I think I'm going to forget to register for classes.
and I'm procrastinating registering the kids for kindergarten....
see: Lisa fears change.

ok, this post is turning into something as smelly as that fuzzy container at the back of the fridge--

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