Wednesday, December 08, 2004

i don't know if i have anything to say

but i imagine i'll say a whole bunch of nothing, at the very least.

my husband cut his hair yesterday...
he warned me, but i didn't take him seriously--
and i was shocked!
he had been growing it out...
it was down to his shoulders.
he has...
thick enough, with enough body, etc.
looks sooooooo good that length.
oh well.

and then...
he relayed some extremely interesting/horrendous gossip--
completely untrue, awful things.
supposedly originating with one of my closest friends.
i will give the benefit of the doubt--
that it mutated through several parties and didn't start out so hurtful*.
it would certainly explain her behavior, these past few months.
i don't know how she could believe those things, though.
especially when part of the story is something that she was a huge part of,
so she should know what really happened.
have i mentioned how much i FUCKING HATE gossips?
and talking behind people's backs???
i'm not perfect, either, but--
this is beyond gray area.
this is pure spiteful, deceptive cruelty.

okay, i'm getting myself worked up again.
so i'll stop.
i just don't understand people...
i would NEVER do something to hurt anyone on purpose--
especially a friend.

someone mentioned a new theme day--
"Wet Wednesday"...
i LOVE the idea.
i don't know.
i've been struggling with Fantasy Fridays, as it is...
i don't think i'll attempt that right away.
it could better be named "Whining Wednesday", i believe.

oooh, but the sound of it...
Wet Wednesday...
makes me think of women--
all over the country, maybe the world...
sitting in their offices or at the computer in their living room/bedroom/den...
reading something.
and their lips would part,
as their breathing pattern changed.
their knees would drop open, involuntarily--
a biological response to their mind's suggestion that sex might be on the menu.
their panties dampening as they fill in the vivid colors around someone else's black and white words...
each one letting herself believe that the man in the story is on his way through her door,
that he looks just as she wants him to.
that he'll behave just as she needs him to.
and each woman will, in her own time, in her own way...
slide a hand down the front of her panties--
eager to touch the wetness that is building,
ready to please herself as her mind tells her it is that man doing it--
or that woman.
and i suppose...
in my image of "wet" i have forgotten my favorite ones of all...
the men.
they make a bit of wetness, too, don't they?
each one, in his cubicle, office or home,
reading some words...
and feeling that tightening of skin, that pressing of flesh against fabric.
if they are lucky, they will be able to unzip, unbutton--unleash
and put a hand around that hot hardness,
as their breathing grows faster and their mind plays out the scene i've sketched...
Wet Wednesdays.
I'll think about it...

*I used an adjective because I was modifying the noun, "gossip"--not the action involved in gossipING...just because it sounds as though it should be "hurtfully" but that's not how i mean it...i suck. go away.

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