Thursday, May 06, 2004

maybe it's just hormones

but i feel like my guts are getting ripped out.
i am actually crying as i write this.
listening to crappy music.
it's awesome.

and aren't you lucky?
no witty banter today.
no lewd remarks.
just me, wallowing.
i am a stupid girl who made a stupid mistake.
but i was given the go ahead to "be myself" on here.
so yay for you readers.

i just stumbled over to the real world...blogger style.
like a fucked up teenager with half-slit wrists--
a cry for help.
mostly looking for someone to fill by IM jones.
(i guess my brain told my fingers that my nose is running, so i typed a 'b' instead of an 'm'..."fill my IM jones")
i have been banned from using such tools of the devil...

would you like a scoop of ice cream to go with that DRAMA PIE??????

i've cried on Boz's shoulder, so now maybe i can be cool.
well, come on, it's me.
i am not cool, i have never been cool and i will never be cool.
but i'm kinda fun to get drunk with.
and Belle told me (sorta kinda) to go eat lots of candy, so i'd feel better.
it worked.
even if it is that sugar free atkins shit.
i think i ate so much of it that the fake sugar turned into real sugar.
and i just licked melted chocolate off my phone....
i guess i'm still crying for help, it's just that no one can hear me through the mouthful of low-carb candy, melting down my chin...
looky there: some got on my upper chest region.
any volunteers?

yay for hormones.
yay for full moons.
yay for dreams that last week's "friends" sucked.
oh wait, that wasn't a dream.
but what was a dream was that i was the mid-season replacement for one of the cast members of survivor.
good thing too.
i hate that show.
i also hate whoever decided to fuck loyal viewers out of a decent last season of friends.
guess what?
it's a god damed tv show.
and i don't give a fuck.

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