Friday, March 04, 2005

know what's cool?

when you think you have an 11:30 appointment,
and you hurry around, thinking you're late--
but it's really a 12:00.
so now there's time to blog.

it's also cool when you look in the mirror,
while you're showering,
and discover that your hair goes much further past your shoulders when it's wet.
stupid ole curls.
but yay for my hair finally growing again.

you would think, that...
since I took the time to log in,
I might have something to say.
not me!!
I don't let little things like content keep me from posting.

it's off for massages, dinner, and a comedy club tonight.
my husband has accused me of getting him stuff for his birthday that is as much for me as for him...
he's probably right.
I almost bought PS2 Tetris,
so I would have a game to play with him!!!
...but after that comment, I don't think I ought to.
and, to be fair, the only reason we're BOTH getting massages is that I fell down the stairs last week, and the therapist is a friend and wants to make sure I'm realigned properly, etc.
AND I'm taking the kids shopping after the gym to pick out some actual gifts.
AND he got a morning (non)quickie--ON A WORK DAY!
normally that could be argued as being more "for me"...
but in an extremely rare twist, I didn't even orgasm, so baby, that one was ALL you!
(and no, i can't really complain--mine usually outnumber his exponentially.)

okay, enough of those grodie (grody?) details of my sex life.

have a great weekend, and give a hoot--don't pollute!

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