Wednesday, December 28, 2005


I've just sort of realized that I have become ultra-defensive lately.
Blah, blah--you've all heard my sob story a thousand times.
I insist that I'll stop focusing on the negative
(even though that is still the only way to properly develop film...)
but then every time a comment lands with anything but the lightest of butterfly kisses--
(no, not the band)
I'm back into my posturing and whining...
My husband could tell you all that I'm a huge baby when it comes to conflict.
So, yeah: anonymous fuckers can still piss up a rope.
But...I'll try not to be so damn ready to fight when a linked up person is slightly disagreeable.
No, that's not a promise.
It's not so much that I am not good at keeping promises,
it's that I can't remember that I made them.

Thanks to all the lovely folks who rushed to my defense...
you're marvelous.

I had a dream last night.
And when I woke up, I decided it was a revelation.
I thought about it all morning,
and then when I told my husband about it tonight--
I realized it was CRAP.
In the dream, there was a reality show:
some kind of boot camp for non-cooking wives.
And in my unaccountable hallucinogenic state I believed this was a hot idea.
And, no...I don't imagine this will be another Maine.
(blame that one hit wonder reality show on him...)
I had it all planned out, in my head.
I'm just glad I chose someone who loves me unconditionally to pitch the idea to.
He was even kind enough to pretend I am not a fucking half-wit.

In related news,
my best friend's mom just sent Christmas pictures.
I had forgotten how hot her brothers are.

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