Saturday, September 04, 2004

we're off to see the...wizard?

nah, not him.
smarmy old bastard.
We're off to see the airplane museum.
the boys will love it.
and hopefully i'll survive.
just kidding.

went out with Becky again last night.
she met a boy.
who worked for the band.
who i promised to link.
but i can't remember their website.
they were good, though, so if i find it, i'll throw it up.
(and not in a vomiting sense)

i am trying really hard NOT to tell you about the breakfast i just made.
because that would be the most boring shit i've ever spewed.
(even though it was delish.)

so instead, i'll go.
...shower time.
if you ask reallllly nicely, i'll take you with me.
(well, only if you're hot).

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