Tuesday, September 07, 2004

i suppose...

the thing to do would be to write a post.
since it's a new day.
but i don't have it in me right now.
i have caused pain to someone dear to me.
i don't know what i did, but i have to fix it.
and sometimes it's all just too much.
sometimes i'm tired.

but it's a beautiful day, and it'll all work out.

i hope you all had a fabulous 3-day weekend.
i sure did, including being sick for half of it.
being sick didn't get me down--
it's nice to be sick when you're at home with nothing that needs doing.
and golfing was wonderful.
now that i've been twice, and love it,
we're going to get some clubs for me,
and that should improve my game even more.
oh, i suck still.
don't get me wrong.
but out of 9 holes, there were a few that i was only 3 strokes over par.
and the rest were about 6 or 7 over...
we had to leave at the 9 because there was a bbq.
which i got to skip because i was sick and sunburned and tired from golfing sick.
what a wuss.
anyway, i love golfing.
i am now an official addict.
i need to learn to control my swing better.
there was a really short 3 par and i over shot the green...
yes, from the red tee box, the ladies tee box.
but still.
i was thrilled!!
okay okay, i'll stop talking about golf.

this took my mind off my drama for a minute.
now i guess i'll go shower.
have a great tuesday, folks.
and whenever you're feeling glum, think, "hey, it's not monday, it's tuesday!!"
and that's a good thing.
(in case your math skills suck, or you're just plain an idiot, that means you're one day closer to friday than you might have thought.)

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