Sunday, December 21, 2003

well, well, well...

I'm off to see the wizard.
that's not it...
I'm off to....oh yeah! Christmas shop.

I may have mentioned before how nice it is to shop on Sundays in Utah county.
pretty quiet scene.

if you haven't checked out Kat's erotica...head on over to her new bedtime stories blog. makes fantasy fridays look like an after school special!! good stuff.

i think i have leprosy.
or at least eczema.
it is so ugly.
just one little spot on each arm.
could be worse.

speaking of things which could be worse...
twin B has eyeball oooze now.
i don't think it's conjunctivitis, cuz his eyes aren't pink.
but it's gunk alright.

since when did this become the "talk about as many foul bodily functions as possible" blog????
good god.
lord almighty.
this is getting ridiculous.
this is not what you people come for!
you come to be stimulated, uplifted, entertained, turned on, disgusted, annoyed, watered, fed, burped, laundered, deep fried, distilled, licked, peeled, chewed up, spit out, turned inside out!!!!

....or cuz you've already read all your favorite blogs and still have a few minutes left on your lunch break.
but, hey, i'll take what i can get.

one more bodily function paragraph, then i'm done.
i promise.
at least for today....
i took some of that insipid dayquil because i was sick of blowing my nose--and it's chafing so bad it's starting to bleed.
so now it's just dripping a little but it's all dried up inside so i can't force any air through to actually BLOW the damn thing.
fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck that.

i mean, really.
whoever invented cold symptom suppressors ought to be skinned alive and left to rot in the sun.

or whoever didn't stop me from drinking out of my sick son's glass immediately follow him on that fateful day two weeks ago.
fucking moron.
i am.
and knowing is half the battle...
according to GI Joe, at least.
smart man.

wish me luck...

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