Sunday, July 10, 2005

If you'll check your calendar...

you'll notice that it's Sunday.
if you check some instrument that measures how far out in space my thoughts are--
you'll notice that they're beyond the Milky Way...somewhere.
I am dreaming strange dreams, awake, and sleeping unsteadily.
It's probably the heat--
they tell me it's hot outside.
It's as cool as...well, not as cool as the cucumbers in my fridge,
and certainly not as warm as the cucmbers growing in nearby gardens
(if there are any)
but that's the cliche, and I love cliches, so I almost used it.
I guess I didn't, though.

I wrote a post yesterday morning.
One of my famous hangover posts.
It was so full of hippie love crap that I couldn't post it.
I just had a really fucking fantastic time, on our non-double date.
"non", becuase it takes two couples for a double date,
and my husband ended up stuck at work,
only making it back in time to take me home.
I'll try not to get back into my rant about how dreamy and god-like those people were...but it'll be a little difficult...
I'm sure my perception was tainted a bit by the fact that I haven't spent good, quality adult time with even my husband for months...
ok, I exaggerate.
but I crave intelligent human interaction like a pregnant woman craves...
weird shit.
(yeah, that was an awesome metaphor, wasn't it??)
and these two happen to have been born under the star of hospitality and great conversation.
(yes, it's a real star, fucking non-believers. Look on any ass-trology chart.)
I talked too much--about 15% more than I should have, but they were good sports.
(I bet you're all surprised that I am a bit on the chatty side!!)
I learned all sorts of fun stuff about them--
and I would say we came out about even on the TMI scale, so that's good.
utter social bliss.
what did I tell you??
I'm like a walking advertisement for them!
you better keep an eye on me, or I'll end up going door to door, looking for converts...

oh, in case you didn't notice, I'm celebrating--
today is national parentheses appreciation day.
(join in, why don't ya?)
it's not on the calendar, which is why I didn't mention it at the beginning of the post.
either that or I hadn't started grossly over-using them yet, so there was no need to make up a fake holiday...

I need to go out to my husband's car and find the Metallica CD with "Sad But True" on it.
I keep hearing the end of it on the radio and wanting to push the little "back" button, like on my Tivo...
fucking radio.
I really think Tivo has enriched my life, though.
and it makes me a better person--
(it's true, just ask God.)
if you don't have it, get it.

I just left the coolest message for Becky.
just to clarify, "cool" is somewhere in the range of OPPOSITE of what that message really was.
yeah, probably.
(to me, at least)
definitely, even by Trekkie standards.
I did, however, successfully recite the alphabet backwards,
which I have only attempted at one other time.
and I talked so long that the recording came on and told me politely,
which made me laugh even harder...
cuz I was actually TRYING to see how long I could talk before it would cut me off.
no, no special reason.
It's just that it's Sunday,
I'm on a sugar-hang-over (which equals feeling shitty)
my kids are bowling,
I put a coma there (nope, make that COMMA), in the hopes of having more crap to add to that list, but I have nothing else to say. a part of that sentence, at least.
the moral of that story is: I left a long stupid message for no reason.
I'm glad I shared that with you all.

deep breath.
I hope you know it's a great day to be alive.
but then, when is it really a great day to be dead?

I better get busy cleaning up, before the teaming masses get back from bowling.

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