Monday, June 27, 2005

Today is a gorgeous fucking day!!!!

Ok, how is it that I JUST noticed the add-a-picture function????
I'm going to have to take advantage of this--
like it's a horny and confused 19 year old mormon boy!!!
(and who left this box of exclamation points lying around??)

Did anyone else know the weekend immediately next on the calendar is the one in which Independence Day will be celebrated???
What the FUCK?
Wasn't it just my birthday, like 3 damn days ago??
july 4th minus june 19th does NOT equal one week.
bugger if time doesn't just speed right the fuck up on ya sometimes.
kinda like my heartbeat when I drink too much coffee or my eyes light upon my crush.
and I'm not talkin' of the Orange brand-name variety.
speaking of soda...
(and NO, it most certainly is NOT called "pop". yes, I will fight you on this--mud wrestle or thumb wrestle, your choice. not approved for all states, OAC, see lender for details.)
where the hell was I?
(yes, a box of extra swear words was also delivered this morning, and praise jesus, cuz I was almost out!)
that's right.
well, I was eating fresh cherries yesterday--
and there was a glass of diet coke on the counter,
so I thought...
cherry coke?
holy christ in a poodle skirt--
it was daaaaaamn good.
do they usually use fresh cherries??
I didn't think so, but maybe in the old days.

So the college crisis has been resolved--
I might be embarassed to tell you what I'm taking.
It's a music class, to fulfill my fine arts requirement.
it's the history of a certain type of music...
Rock n'Roll!!!
yes, I think it's sounds like a total cop out class.
but I don't care.
it will be fascinating, and if I have to do a lot of work for it,
at least it will enjoyable,
and if not, all the better!
so Creative Writing and History of Rock n Roll.
it's ok, I'm making fun of myself, too.
I really just want to take it slow this first semester.
it's been 9 years since I've taken any classes.
and I didn't have kids or a husband or a blog addiction then.
I just had a job.
jobs are fucking easy.
even waitressing 12 hours a day was easier than being a mother.
because I got paid.
and praised.
and I could say the 'f' word a LOT--
without feeling guilty.
however, if I ever find myself in a position where I must support myself,
or where my income is required as a supplement,
I would like to be able to do something more...
fulfilling than that.
and by "fulfilling" I mean "filling"...
of my WALLET.
besides, I wouldn't waitress again for $500 a day.
ok, scratch that.
yes I would.
but the point is, I am ready to get a degree.
and to learn the skills required to be successful as a...
sssh....whisper it...
don't want to jinx myself, ya know.

I finally bought my ticket yesterday to go see my sister!!!
It's gonna be awesome.
Now I have to go look up a dentist, a neurosurgeon, and a priest.
ok, not the priest, but I was on a "bad joke setup" roll...

oh, and I have pictures of my new (beautiful) table, but I am having issues with getting them off the memory card.
much to do today.
including getting my ass kicked, by request, at 3 o'clock.
damn I hate that kid.
I'm going to buy him a present!

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