Sunday, June 27, 2004

Sunday, bloody Sunday

Or maybe "Sunday, insanely-hungover Sunday" would be a better title.
just doesn't have the same ring, though--y'know?
We went to this killer party last night, at this sprawling mansion.
it was wild and wonderful.
but i am too damn old to get home at 4:30 in the morning and get up at 7 with the kids.
or at least i drank too much for that little sleep.
...and at least i looked, in the words of the husband, "smokin' hot".
personally i think he needs glasses and possibly a healthy dose of anti-b.s. serum, but hey.
I'm not complaining.
(haha--he just walked by and read that. he laughed, then said, "well maybe you just need anti-hotness serum." which i followed with, "honey, i already overdosed on that.")

well, any of you who have family from far away who visit you on occassion can relate....
i have two more days of suffocation before i am free to lounge about in my underwear and NOT TALK TO ANYONE all fucking day long.....
that'll be so great.
i may even have to celebrate by taking pictures of said lounging.
like i'd show YOU.
besides, trust me when i tell you there's not that much to see.

i did not sleep well, either.
i tossed and turned, dreaming of the party we had attended, and worrying about something that is out of my hands.
i hate worrying.
it's pointless and wastes energy--
and sleep.
so, yeah.
did i mention i feel like the ass of a dog?
did i mention that asses of dogs are highly smelly and unattractive???
i am not.
but i still feel like one.

I love tennis.
go hot australian guy. wooo!
oooh, or maybe Roddick....
well, in my world they're playing, nude, against each other and i'm not only the trophy girl, but--
you guessed it.
i'm the trophy.
yes, i have a one track mind.
why do you ask?

i wish i had something mind-blowing to say.
or something less boring than reading a user's manual for a blender.
i used to...
once upon a time.
but it seems like i've been too scattered lately, pouring myself into the wrong projects.
or no projects?
i thought i had lost my focus, but realized that i had only gained an intense focus on something non-productive.
and that's okay.
my focus is about to be shifted, people!!
that's right.
if i have any readers left...
they better buckle up and hold on because i'm about to start rocking their worlds.
or at least writing with my head on the page.
ouch--not literally, of course...
and hey, maybe i'll trip over a pile of motivation and creativity which were raked up, in the backyard like autumn leaves...
cuz i have this really great idea for a book.
but i'm sure i'll be so lazy that someone else will do it first.

have a happy "last sunday in june--and oh my GOD where did june go???"
and if you run into my dealer--tell him to cut me off, as i clearly do not need any more drugs.

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