Saturday, June 19, 2004

happy birthday to MEEEEEEEEEE

yes, i'm purposely announcing it so that you'll all feel compelled to say nice stuff.
but frankly, i'd really just love to hear everyon'es favorite dirty joke.
and, if you want to hear a wonderful birthday wish,
Boz sang happy birthday to me over at the Real World....Blogger Style house.

and for those of you (cough--stalkers) out there who know my schedule--
YES it is well before my usual hour of waking.
NO i do not general enjoy being woken. period.
and lord have mercy (cuz i sure won't) on one who wakes me before the proper time.
buuut....last night i went to sleep very early, and when one of the little ones woke me at an uncharacteristically early hour, i felt so good i chose to stay awake myself.
i know...
i think it might be a sign of some kind.
an omen as to what kind of year this is meant to be for me...
unusally productive?
personality altering?
i don't know--i was only a psych major for two semesters...

today is already a beautiful day--74 fucking degrees at 6:30am, though.
that just reminded me that i dreamed strange things.
(well duh)
but that remeinded me of the dream i ahd last night where i bought, like...25 bathing suits.
anyway, if it's hot maybe we'll take the kids to some water before DROPPING THEM OFF AT MY MOTHER IN LAW'S FOR A SLEEPOVER.
that means that tomorrow morning i will most assuredly NOT be up at 6:30.
wooooooooo hoooooooooooo!!!!
in fact, i'll probably be dreadfully hungover but we'll see.
the other weird dream i had was like a movie--
the kitchen of a darkened home, very rustic setting.
a man frantically looking for proof of something important--um, something scientific.
a cure? the antidote for some horrendous evil that had been unleashed by "the bad guy".
there is a lantern which gets knocked over and a fire starts, some other people scramble for cover--oddly, going up some stairs. (dumbasses)

oh shit.
my friend talked me into trying a new product.
a tan in a bottle product.
she claims it is really great.
i just looked at my hands.
well, THIS dumbass now has brown stained hands.
i am now too afraid to go look in a mirror to assess the rest of the damage.
why do i not learn???
the product may be good.
but i happen to suck.
i had actually built up a decent REAL tan, but then it rained for a few days and i worked for a few days...
fuckity fuck fuck FUCK.
kay...just for your reading pleasure, i'll go take a peek....
not bad.
my forearms are a bit streaky--cuz i forgot you're not supposed to put any there.
and my stomach is growling so loudly i can't concentrate.
i just realized how funny that is though--cuz...when i'm hungry...i tend to growl a bit.

well, i hope you all have a happy my birthday, and if i do'nt see you again, a happy father's day!!
please, who am i kidding??
i'll be back.
oh and did i mention it's my birthday???
I'm 29, if you're asking.
so tell me happy birthday (or to fuck off--either way, i'll smile).

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