Monday, April 28, 2003

Oh yeah. For fun, here's a list of what i drank in order of appearance:
1 glass heffeweizen on tap
2 bottles bud light (upon realizing how many zillions of calories there are in hefe)
1 shot Sex on the Beach (upon realizing how slowly the buzz was coming and how badly i was going to need it)
2 Jack and DIET coke (upon forgetting that i now enjoy beer and am trying to avoid sugar in my alcohol cuz it makes for worse hangovers)
1 bottle bud light (upon realizing one had been bought for me--the girls remembered better than i...)

And i even started on a completely empty stomach. weird. usually on an empty stomach i can be buzzed by about the halfway mark in a beer or about 4 sips into a mixed drink. which is probably why i then went over board and couldn't stop drinking.

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