Tuesday, August 29, 2006

What the fuck???

I actually made an audiopost with some goddamned MEANING and it didn't post.

I got caught in the traffic o' Presidential visit this morning.
Why am I so stupid??
I do not know.
I sat at one, unchanging red light for 9 minutes.
I was on the verge of panic.
It felt very claustrophic, not to mention the late-for-class factor.
(yes, that's a new word. It heralds the correlation between "fuck" and "luck". It should really have a positive connotation, though, don't you think?)

Classes were good.
Parking was eeee-ville.
Hubby is cute, and trying really hard to make sure I do not feel ignored...

I am so hungry I could gnaw my arm off.
So why the hell am I HERE???
I had to pee before shopping and gyming.
Yes, that's a word.
Fuck off.
Today I think I'll be here when my kids get home.
'magine that.

Happy Tuesday.
I may have pictures soon.
Cables, cables.
(thanks, for the tip, you.)

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