Thursday, February 03, 2005

I had a dream--

but then I woke up.
oh, don't be daft, it's not DEEP.
It is literal, ya crazy kids.
the other kinds of dreams?
the hoping and planning and wondering kind?
I'll always have those--
and I refuse to be awakened.

I'm in a state of exhilaration today--
the calm before the storm, perhaps?
something like that.
I spent a couple of hours at the new house yesterday...
just getting the feel for it.
sweeping the (god damned motherfucking ENORMOUS) tile floor.
I really do like the fact that they built it that way--
my kids know how to destroy carpet like nobody's business.
what the FUCK does that stupid saying mean, anyway?
he can do whatever like "nobody's business"?
I'm sorry for using it, and I'll try better in the future.
I was getting myself geared up to clean the whole thing myself,
since the cleaning ladies were not returning my call...
The boss lady called this morning and they'll arrive there on saturday, the same time the movers arrive here.
it should work out about right.
carpet cleaners are supposed to be arriving at the new place at ten,
small snag.
our water isn't turned on yet.
hopefully he feels okay about stealing from a neighbor.
if not, he said he'd come back tomorrow.
and hey, don't give me shit for hiring people to clean my house!
It's not MY dirt.
the previous owners didn't clean it when they moved out, and it's been empty for a few months.
nothing too grimy, but frankly, I loooooove the idea of moving into a pristine home--
something like those guys who want to believe every girl they date was a virgin before she met him.
I love my neighborhood.
I have a neighbor, directly to one side of me, with a Harley.
this is a good omen.
a VERY good omen. good, that when I told my husband about it,
he asked if I had to go have a private moment.'s funny,
i'm pretty vulgar, and i'm comfortable with that.
but for some reason, i don't like speaking of my own masturbation in very clear or nasty terms.
(on the blog)
that's strange.
I wonder what it means?
great--one more thing to add to the list of what to ask a Therapist if I ever get one.
yes, the list is looooooong, in case you're wondering.

I would apologize for rambling about the house stuff again, but...
I guess you guys know me better than that by now.
you know that blog promises are made to be blog broken.

For the record...
I am extremely proud of myself for getting so many balls rolling on such a short timeline.
Of course--I'm not surprised, as ball rolling is something I'm quite skilled at.
(I wish I could find a "dirty old man winking" emoticon to put right there...)
and as I was driving to my doctor's appointment yesterday, and to the new house,
I saw THREE different signs that said, "Welcome to blahblahville!"--my new town!
it made me giggle.
AND I drove past the office where I need to go (after we officially close) to get the water turned on.
yeeeeeee haaaaaaaaw.
everything just felt...right...yesterday.
sun shining, motorcycles whizzing by, thyroid scrip filled, house surveyed.
it's MY house.
the Blind Man!
no...not like that.
I wish I believed in the delete key, at times like this...
I have to call the custom blinds company called The Blind Man.

thank you all for sticking by me through these semi-coherant posts about the hassles of moving...
I glove you all--
and be glad I don't fist you.
ew...that was baaaaad even for me....

Happy whatever-the-fuck-day it is--

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