Monday, May 03, 2004

what a long and lovely day

rollerblading up a long winding canyon trail.
sunshine and laughter, followed by shopping and beer.
got some new books, a new CD.
and a sunburn.
drove around with the windows down,
Godsmack's Awake playing so loud i closed my eyes and thought i was five feet from the stage again.
all the happy smiling drones filing out of their church buildings.
feathers politely ruffled by the disturbance of us.
two girls in (gasp!) tank tops singing along to our music, with as much fervor as they sang along to theirs, moments before.
such a deserted place is Utah County on a Sunday.
the sheer absence of people a glaring reminder of where these missing folks are, and why.
"thou shalt keep the sabbath day holy"
fuck that.
and fuck you.
"can't smell your own shit on your knees, can't see the forest for the trees"
nah, i'm really not bitter anymore.
just a leftover ghost of a thought, which conveys the old feeling.

and the party rages on at my house.
beer, brothers, becky.
fun things to have on a sunday night.
and a beer run in a rogue vehicle, practically stolen--a fear of getting caught.
that glimmering thrill of the wrong side of the coin.

i will try to step out of my own head now.
and talk to you, like a real person might.
a living, breathing, blushing, three-dimensional person.
a tall, short, sad, fat, happy, skinny person....
not in the cards, i suppose.

i wanted to take a picture of myself curtseying.
so that i could properly bow to the sweet sassy goddess of the blog....
but as usual, i have not gotten around to it.
so instead i will say i am as giddy as a 12 year old girl at a brittney spears concert.
...or myself in her dressing room, but you get the idea.
and i was even going to take the picture with a good cleavage shirt.
sorry i'm so damn lazy.
Raymi is the first blog i ever read.
and i quickly became addicted and wanted a part of this world....
(cue little mermaid song, mixed with the nine inch nails' "perfect drug"...yeah, i know--it sounds hideous.)
anyway, i'm going to get all weepy if i keep stumbling down memory lane, so i'll stop.

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